2017 September
Community Council Minutes
Meeting held Friday Sept. 22, 2017
Those in attendance:
Community members:
Kim Crump, Suzanne Stirland, Annalynn Yamashita, and Crystal Stander
School members:
Diane Rockwood, Becky Dills and JerylDean Clark
-The first item on the agenda was the discussion regarding community council and making an announcement in Faculty Meeting, asking if more of the faculty would like to join. It is important that we have more community members than we have faculty members and now, we have five members from the community and three from the faculty.
-A bond election meeting will be held at Freedom Elementary on October 6thfrom 3:30 – 4:15; all faculty, staff, PTA members, and community council members are invited to attend. For those who would like a closer look at the details of the bond election, they may check out www.wsd.net.
When a bond election passes that provides the opportunity for repairs from other schools to be able to be addressed at a faster rate. We have two items of concern at our school, the biggest concern we have is a leaky roof. When the contractor built the school, the district was given a guarantee of 50 years on the roof. Since the contractor has gone out of business, that guarantee no longer stands. The roof has a bladder that is not functioning correctly and making it very difficult to estimate where a problem may occur. Another concern is the need to place a sealant on the outside walls of the school, helping to prevent the moisture from leaking into the school.
-An explanation was given regarding our new RtI Math program this year. Laurie Nisonger is our aide to help with the math interventions this year. She goes into each classroom and has different times where she will meet with that particular class and help address the concerns for struggling students they may have.
An impressive example from the 2nd grade was given as to how they color-coded their individual classes and administered a test determining where the students may be struggling. A column was labeled with the students and then a column of the different questions with the amount of points given per question. You could quickly see who was struggling and it was not until question 52 did it start to show a discrepancy.
In the PLC meetings that are being held weekly, the teachers are looking at the data regarding Math every other week and the opposite weeks they are addressing concerns they have regarding reading. The concept is to be able to look at the data and address the concerns the students may have and give them interventions now and not wait until later on in the year.
-A presentation was given by Becky Dills to show the results of how the ERI reading groups in kindergarten have helped the students. The first year the push in of the Early Reading Intervention (ERI) was implemented into the kindergarten class, 91% of the students left at the Benchmark level with entering the first grade eight students entered the grade at the red intensive level. The second year of the ERI program, 96% of the students left the kindergarten class at the Benchmark level with 14 students entering the first grade on the red intensive level.
In second grade, the first class of the ERI program, 14 students entered the grade on the red intensive level. Other programs that have been helping the students gain success in the classroom is the Cross Age Tutoring and the Latinos push into the Spanish class.
These programs are possible because of the funding, which is coming from the Trust Land Funds.
The next meeting is scheduled for the 26th of October at 4:00 p.m.