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2018 April

April 19, 2018

Community Council Minutes

Meeting held Thursday April 19, 2018

Those in attendance:

Community members:

Kim Crump, Suzanne Stirland, Annalynn Yamashita, Heather Hooge, and Crystal Stander

School members:

Diane Rockwood, Becky Dills, and JerylDean Clark

The first item on the agenda was the budget.  Ms. Rockwood provided a detailed listing of the expenses that have taken place over the school year.  Those expenses included materials for the teachers for the new math program, aides for the reading program and a new aide for the Rti program which entails an intervention for the those students who are struggling with math.

The budget showed a beginning balance of $28,430.00 with the current balance of $18,200.00.  Teachers and aides have the option of getting paid on a monthly basis or on the months that school is in attendance.  The remaining balance will cover the cost of those aides who choose the option to be paid on a monthly basis.

Next year, the goal is to send 5 teachers to a PLC conference with that cost being covered by the District, with the idea of sending someone from each grade who has not been in attendance.  The Kindergarten grade will not attend as all three of the teachers have already been in attendance.  Ms. Rockwood would like to look at those teachers or the grade who have effectively use the Rti program for math and send those members or team to the conference.  The cost for the PLC conference was $6,000.00 and the Roy cone reimbursed $2,007.00 dollars.

This year the numbers in the fourth grade English classes were 36 per classroom.  With the numbers being this high, they have received a lot of aide time.  Next year, we will be receiving another portable for an additional 4th grade classroom.  We currently have a portable that holds a 5th grade classroom and a 6th grade classroom.  In order to determine those who   There is also a Rti or intervention conference that we would like to send 4 teachers to be in attendance.

Last year the budget allotted for the cost of another set of Early Reading Intervention textbooks.  Because of the deadline for the 2016-2017 school year it was unable to access the funds until this school year.

There was expressed some concern on the safety of students walking home from school on the west side of the school.  Many times students crossing the road to the church parking lot where parents are waiting to give their child a ride home from school.  The concern is the safety in which that is taking place.  Many times students are walking across the street without a concern for other vehicles driving on the road.  An idea was expressed to re-send the safety video to parents and stress the importance of the safety of their children, or another idea was that Spring is here and the students could walk to school.

Ms. Rockwood has looked at the data from every Oops ticket that has been given to students and has purchased cameras that can be placed in the trouble spots where many of the incidents have been happening.

This meeting was adjourned to next month on May 9th, 2018.