2019 April
April Minutes 2019
In Attendance:
Diane Rockwood, Becky Dills, JerylDean Clark, Kim Crump, Annalynne Yamashita.
Absent: Sharcy Sudayka, Heather Hooge, Crystal Stander
Meeting began at 4:05
Minutes read and approved: Yes
- Becky Dills gave a demonstration as how an Early Reading Intervention lesson is taught with the students in Kindergarten. Our darling students Will Horton and McKinley Montgomery demonstrated the letters in motion cards and the different writing lessons that go with the unit.
- In review of the Budget we are a little tight, yet Ms. Rockwood believes we will be okay.
- In moving forward with technology in the classrooms, Ms. Rockwood has informed the District we will like to do that by January of next year. She believes there could be access to some charging stations for less the cost at that time of the year. The charging stations that have been used by the Junior High and High Schools could be available at that time.
Motion to adjourn –
Next meeting May 2, 2019