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2023 March

Meeting Held: March 2, 2023

Start time: 3:30 P.M.
Person who called meeting to order: JerylDean Clark
Seconded by: Annalynn Yamashita
Those that were present:
Brandon Lott, Cami Anderson, Annalynn Yamashita, Jenny Ross, Suzanne Stirland, Mrs. Webb,
Alicia Christiansen, JerylDean Clark, and Alan Rhees.
Alan Rhees works for the District in the Technical Division, he discussed with us the following regarding
Internet Safety in our schools:
 He discussed Internet Safety with three prongs; web filtering, monitoring, and the function.
 There are several filters in place, to protect what the students are viewing. One filter is iBoss
filter which comes from the UEN, and other filters are those filters from the District.
 Filters are also in place per school level and per grade level.
 There are 40,000 chrome books that are being monitored throughout the District.
 There are Nearpod lessons that provide CIPA training lessons from grades K-12.
 The monitoring which is in place is called BARK, this notifies the parents of their students being
on inappropriate web sites.
 It was also discussed how to teach the students how to use the technology as a tool.
 Some parent resources were shared;
The Art of Screen Time (ekindle – book)
Enjoy screens not too much mostly Together
Digital for Good by Richard Culatta (this book talks about balance)
Be Internet Awesome

 There is also a website that parents can access to help with internet safety.
 It was discussed that it would be a good idea to have some Internet Safety information available
at Back to School Night, with maybe some presentations or information available in the library.

Mr. Rhees was excused and the board talked about ways money has been spent with the current plan.
 With regards to Professional Development the teachers have received training with
Solution Tree and how to operate in PLC or Professional Learning Committee.
 Teachers have also received training in trauma situations.
 In regards to Technology, money has been spent on the New Line Boards replacing the
Smart Boards that have been in the classrooms.
 In regards to our Math goal, we are thankful to have our two wonderful math aides,
Laurie Nisonger, and Monica Widdison.
 The PTA have provided money to place cameras in the hallways.
It was discussed positive programs that have been set up in the school.

 Hope Squad program
 News Club where the students put on a news cast for the weekly news. These have
been really good, and people have enjoyed watching them.
 A BOTVINE Life Skills program, teaching positive behavior.

Next meeting to be held:
April , with a discussion regarding the safe walking plan to school

Motion to adjourn the meeting: JerylDean Clark
Seconded by: Cami Anderson


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