2021 January
January 21, 2021
In Attendance:
Brandon Lott, Becky Dills, JerylDean Clark, Kim Crump, Annalynne Yamashita, Suzanne Stirland, Alisha Christiansen, and Natasha Davies.
Sharlie Wade
The meeting was called to order by JerylDean Clark with the second motion by Suzanne Stirland. The meeting began at 3:30 p.m.
- An explanation was given has to how the trustland money works. Explaining that in 1842 there were sections of land designated for the investment and the proceeds of that investments would benefit public schools, universities and hospitals.
- This video also talked about how and what committees manage those funds. With the Sitla, Sitfo and the School Children’s Trust program.
- The Community Council is a committee that helps determine how the funds for the School will be spent.
- The first goal which we have talked about is a reading goal in having 80% of the students on benchmark, with students showing 80% percent of typical growth.
- At this meeting there was discussion as to what programs could be implemented with the funds into the different grade levels.
- The money has been spent with Tier II and Tier III interventions. Those different categories include Professional Development, money for PLC conferences, Reading Horizions program, Reading Plus for the 3rd through the 6th grade, and Diad Reading for the upper grades. The funds have also covered the cost of aides during the PLC rotations, and push in interventions.
- The cost for goal #1 or our reading goal $69,568.00.
- The cost for goal #2 or our math goal is $32,205.00. Monica Hokanson and Laurie Nisonger are two math aides that have been hired to help intervene with the students to overcome struggles they are having with Math.
- The TSSA funds are funds that could be affected, in the fact that these funds come from taxes on different goods, and many people are not spending money.
- Some different discussions regarding how the funds could be spent were the following possibilities; keeping up with the cost of technology will be a great deal of cost, Reading Plus, perhaps another aide for the Spanish program. There was a desire to see if some funds could be spent for some human interaction (aides) versus technology. Also, a program called 95% fluency and comprehension was a program that was discussed.
- As the Smart Boards develop problems, they will be replaced by a big interactive TV, at the cost of $4,500.00. The lease regarding the iPads will expire, that will require for the iPads in the kindergarten grade to be replaced with the touch screen chrome books.
- It was important to discuss the desires for the Trustland Plan in the month of January and February, for there is a review due February 5th and the final review due by the end of March.
Motion to adjourn – JerylDean Clark
Seconded by Becky Dills
Next meeting will be held February 11, 2021