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2015 December

Minutes for Freedom Elementary Community Council meeting held on December 10, 2015

Start time 4:00 p.m.

In attendance:

 Ms. Rockwood, Principal

 Suzanne Stirland, Chair

 Crystal Stander

 Danielle Baxter

 Kim Crump

 June Thomas

 Becky Dills, teacher representative

 Heather Hogge

 Lee Claycomb, teacher representative (minutes)

Agenda Topic: John Donley, STEM

 Mr. Donley presented the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math education) and how it integrates into schools.

o 1st year, all grades do the task standards and modules designed for Kindergarten, which teaches the basic processes of the program, how it’s taught and how the kids work in the program.

o Grade specific modules have been designed by Project Lead the Way

o Promotes high level thinking skills and reinforces the idea that there is "more than 1 way to solve a problem or finish a task".

o Kids are asked "who would you change the process or the outcome? The kids are encouraged to think of ways to improve upon their results.

 Requires 1 teacher be trained, and in turn, this teacher trains the school.

o 3 day training.

 Requires about $1,500 in materials per year.

 Teachers will have to spend at least 2 hours on the website to familiarize themselves with the program.

 In-service training will have to be scheduled for teacher.

 CC will discuss further and Ms. Rockwood will consider and explore idea with teachers.

Agenda Topic: Track and New Access Point- Tabled until next meeting.

Agenda Topic: Sidewalk 5500 South- Tabled until next meeting.

Agenda Topic: Spanish Immersion

 Discussed impact of Spanish Immersion on regular education classrooms

 Concern about 4th grade regular education classroom sizes

 Maurine Newton, who works with the immersion program in the District, was present at the meeting and fielded some questions. In other schools, there is less transiency than at Freedom. This transiency, as well as students leaving the Spanish Immersion Program to return to the regular education classroom does create larger regular education classrooms.

o It should be noted that between grades 3 and 4, there is an increase student per class size.

 Contact your legislator and discuss concerns with them about this issue!

o Ms. Rockwood and Ms. Newton will discuss concerns with the State and District personnel who oversee this program and will report back to the community council at the next meeting.

Meeting adjourned 5:05 p.m.

Next Meeting is set Thursday, January 15, 2016.