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2019 October

October 24, 2019

In Attendance:

Diane Rockwood, Becky Dills, JerylDean Clark, Kim Crump, Annalynne Yamashita, Sharcy Sudyka, Crystal Stander, Suzanne Stirland, and Sharlie Wade.

Absent: Brandon Lott

Meeting was called to order 4:00

The following items were discussed:

A motion was given and seconded to approve both applicants of Suzanne Stirland, and Sharli Wade as new members to the community council.

There is a new requirement to discuss safety issues at the community council.

Kristin Ritcher (our wonderful secretary) explained the following procedures of safety protocol in our school:

Lock Down. The key words for this situation are, “Secure the perimeter”. This situation is if there is a threat outside of the classroom, such as a dog, gun shot, etc. The teachers are to make sure their back doors are locked, closed their doors from the coat room and continue “business as usual”.

Lock Out. The key words for this situation are, “Locks, Lights, Out of sight”. This situation involves a threat within the school. The teacher is to make sure all doors are locked, pull down shades in her classroom, secure her students in an area in the classroom where they cannot be seen from the door. The doors are kept locked and are opened only by a police officer. When the students empty the school they will be transported by school buses to Roy High School. This is the location that the parents will pick up their students.

Earthquake drill:

The students hear a rumbling sound over the intercom to practice the sounds of an earthquake. The teacher and students are to run for cover under their desks and hold on to the legs of the tables. There is a 60 second pause before a second trembling occurs (teaching the students that when the first rumbling stops an earthquake will usually have two major tremors). When the shaking stops they are instructed to count to 60 seconds before they come out from under their desks. In the need of an evacuation the students will hold onto hands and evacuate to the Church of Jesus Christ located west of the building.

Fire Drill:

An alarm is sounded, and the students quickly file into a line, while the teacher grabs her emergency backpack. The teacher leads her students to the back of the playground, once her class has arrived, having her students stand in a line. She will then indicate to a runner if all students have been accounted for.


In evacuation purposes the parent is required to provide an ID before the child can be released to them. Also Kristin has paper documentation of parent approval of those who can pick up the child, along with the teachers having documentation as well. All visitors are to sign in at the office and be checked out at the office when they leave. School being dismissed would involve not having any electricity where the students may not have lunch.


Our first goal was to have all of our students at 80% Benchmark. We did not quite reach that goal – we had 76% of our students make benchmark. Yet our school did show an 80% in the growth percentile.

It was also discussed the impact that the all-day Kindergarten had for the students. Showing that it had a beneficial effect on them throughout several years.

Our second goal involved Math in having 43% of our students on proficient level on the Sage/Rise test. We were just short of that goal of 41% of the students reaching proficiency.

Becky Dills gave explanation of our DIBELS results from last year. Also, explaining that this year the kindergarten class will have the DIBELS test given the first part of December, instead of the last part of January. This can provide more of a steady growth of the class.

She also talked about the importance of accuracy in reading. Accuracy has a greater weight than speed.


Items to be discussed at our next meeting will be:


Safety Route

And the results from Johanna

Motion to adjourn – Annalynn Yamashita

Next meeting November 21, 2019