Lunch Information

School Breakfast and Lunch for 2022-23:

  • There will be a charge for meals next year 

  • New Free/Reduced applications will be available on the MyWeber portal as of July 1, 2022 

Access MyWeber portal

  • Login in to MyWeber

  • Click on PREFRENCES in the top right hand corner of your screen

  • Please verify your email address is current and correct

  • Locate Email Notifications

  • Locate Lunch

  • Click on the word NO to change it to YES (Make sure YES appears for each student)

Congratulations, you have successfully completed the process!

Please be aware that all individual accounts reaching a negative balance of $30 or a family’s combined negative balance of $50 will be subject to collection action.


Payments made directly to the school

We are  able to accept cash, checks and credit or debit cards (Credit cards in office only) . Please make checks payable to    Freedom Elementary. A local address and phone number are required to be either printed or handwritten on the check. Please include the student(s) full name and grade on your checks memo line.

Please contact Lynette Howard at (801) 452-4110 with any questions or if you are in need of further assistance due to special circumstances. 

We thank you for your help and partnership in meeting the needs of our students and look forward to another successful year at Freedom Elementary! 

  • Assistance is available to those who may qualify. Free and reduced lunch applications may be obtained through the school office, the Weber School District Child Nutrition office or online. (Keep in mind that if you qualified for assistance last school year, you must re-qualify for the school year.)