School Information
Please call the office at: 801-452-4100
by 9:00 am when your child will be absent from school.
School Phone Number - 801-452-4100
Lunchroom Number - 801-452-4110
Fax Number - 801-452-4119
School Address - 4555 W 5500 S Hooper, Ut 84315
Dress Code
The dress code for the Roy Cone has been adopted by student, parent, and community councils to promote safety, personal hygiene, and a proper academic environment. Students are expected to maintain a type of dress that is clean, modest, and is not distracting to teachers or other students and not detrimental or disruptive to the educational process.
Clothing not ordinarily worn in the workplace may not be worn at school
Shoes (including sandals and flips) must be worn at all times.
Shorts and skirts must be at least finger tip length and not present a distraction in the classroom.
Shirts and tops may not have bare midriffs or be revealing at the neck, stomach and/or armholes. The ball of the shoulder must be covered. Tank tops, athletic undershirts, halter tops, spaghetti strap shirts, and bare midriff shirts are not allowed at school.
Underwear must be worn underneath clothing and may not be worn outside of or on top of other clothing, or where it is exposed or can be seen. Sagging pants must not reveal underwear.
Clothing with designs, printed words, or slogans that are suggestive, obscene, in poor taste, or that refer to a substance or activity which is illegal for a minor will not be allowed – clothing which refers to ale, beer, or other alcoholic beverages, smoked or smokeless tobacco, breweries, or illegal drugs may not be worn. Clothing or accessories with gang symbols, insignia, or other gang identifiers may not be worn.
Hats or other types of head covering such as scarves, sweatbands, or bandanas, may not be worn in the building.
Sunglasses may not be worn in the building.
Educationally distracting hair, hair color or makeup will not be allowed. Hair or makeup which is so conspicuous, extreme, odd in color or style that it draws undue attention, disrupts, or tends to disrupt or interfere with the leaning atmosphere at school will not be allowed.
Clothing attachments, jewelry, or accessories which could be considered weapons, which could pose a potential risk of injury to the wearer or others, or which could be considered to be disruptive to the educational process may not be worn. Chains longer than 8 inches may not be worn.
Inappropriate and distracting tattoos may not be displayed. (refer to #6 above)
Performance attire and/or team uniforms should reflect good taste and modesty even though they may not meet the above dress code. They should NOT be worn in the classroom during the school day.
(i.e., robes, pajamas, house slippers, mutilated clothing, etc.).
(More restrictive shoe requirements may be required for safety reasons in some classes.)
The Utah Child Protection Registry
The Utah Child Protection Registry is a do-not-contact service that allows families to register their e-mail addresses, mobile phone numbers (SMS), instant messenger IDs, and fax numbers to stop adult-oriented solicitations from reaching their in boxes. Registering online is fast, easy, and best of all FREE for Utah families and schools. Register today at